Liskov substitution principle
Liskov substitution principle

liskov substitution principle

This will ensure the class and ultimately the whole application is very robust and easy to maintain and expand, if required. LSP demands that a subtype ( Q in the example) has to be constructed in a way that it behaves like the supertype if it is called through the supertype interface. The Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) states that an instance of a child class must replace an instance of the parent class without affecting the results that we would get from an instance of the base class itself. Method m may work with an object of type P, but not with an object of type Q. Take a look at this paper on the Liskov Substitution Principle, which provides a lot of details on it.

liskov substitution principle

The programming language does not enforce that the subtype behaves like the supertype. This is always true as typically object-oriented programming languages are constructed in that way. The Liskov Substitution Principle is the third of Robert C.

#Liskov substitution principle code#

A subclass should be able to override the parent class method in a way that it doesn’t break the functionality of the base class.The benefit of this principle is that when code is interchangeable, it becomes more reusable. A method m requiring a parameter of type P can be called with objects of type Q because every object of type Q is also an object of type P. This principle tends to be the most overlooked and misunderstood of the SOLID principles, and its not immediately clear how it applies to JavaScript. Child class should not break the parent class type definitions. Lets talk about the Liskov substitution principle. The Liskov Substitution Principle states that any class that is the child of a parent class should be usable in place of its parent without any unexpected behaviour. classes or interfaces) and Q is derived from P (so Q is the subtype and P is the base type or supertype). You can scroll down to find a link to the original video talk on this topic. It should be possible to replace an object of.

liskov substitution principle

Object-oriented programming languages permit the derivation of subtypes from base types, and subtype polymorphism allows the passing of an object of a subtype where ever an object of the supertype is specified. Liskov Substitution Principle in C states that all classes should be substitutable for their base C classes.

Liskov substitution principle